E.Swedenborg’s theory about ‘ABSOLUTELY dead matter’ vs. discoveries of the modern science in relation to the elementary particles
‘And because all spiritual things in their origin are living, and all natural things from their origin are dead, and the suns are the origins, it follows that the one Sun is living and the other sun is dead; also that the dead sun itself has been created by the Lord by means of the living Sun.’ E.Swedenborg ‘Divine Love and Wisdom – 164’
‘False philosphy according to the letter, but true according to the spirit; how could life create death?!’ W.Blake ‘Annotations to E.Swedenborg’s Divine Love and Wisdom – 163, 164′
Dear members, and especially G. :), greetings in our Lord!
I have a few questions on my mind these days, and everytime I was thinking about them firstly G. (then Gs. who, as I heard from the third party, used to be a J.Lorber’s passionate reader :)!!) came to my mind :)… this was probably the ‘good effect’ of our previous constructive conversations in this group 🙂
Now, as I am presently engaged into the translating of E.Swedenborg’s TCR into my native tongue… and as for the moment I am working on it’s first chapter (1-80), about God the Creator and His creation, these few questions as given below, all of which are related to E. Swedenborg’s theory that this Sun of ours, i.e. natural sun, together with it’s heat and light and everything under it, which means our nature = material world, is completely dead and void of life (!)!, simply forced themselves into my mind:
‘For the sun, from which nature derives her own origin and essence, is pure fire, and consequently its emanations of heat and light are COMPLETELY VOID OF LIFE.’ TCR – 12:5; 75:2
‘… and consequently the nature… is ABSOLUTELY DEAD.’ TCR – 77:4 (see also DLW – 157-160)
Therefore, my first question would be, are these words of E.Swedenborg understood in the New Church in accordance with the letter, i.e. literally, or in accordance with the spirit?!
Me personally, although I would love to think that he is talking about ‘seemingly dead’ sun/heat-light/matter, I believe, especially when I compare his statements from TCR with those in DLW, that he actually spoke about ‘dead as dead can be’ sun, it’s heat and light, and finally matter!
Now, if this second option would be the case, I wonder further ‘how this statement of E.Swedenborg’, which I cannot approve even if I try very very hard, stands against the new discoveries in modern science in relation to the matter and quite ‘alive’ and ‘moving’ elementary particles, i.e. electron, proton, neutron, neutrino, nullitron etc. ?!
I am not bringing this here with the purpose of any argument but ONLY for the love of truth… and what I would truly appreciate is, of course beside your opinion about this subject, information about some available study or essay about this particular issue, if existing in the New Church!
Example of what I am looking for is given to you below in that study about the issue in question which relates to what our Lord revealed through another mighty prophet, namely, Jakob Lorber, revelation where matter = everything of that nature is not deemed to be dead, but only ‘seemingly dead’, being in itself a spiritual force with spiritual origins.
In short, this revealation which I find to be more accurate in this point teaches us that whatever God created and creates He created and creates out of Himself = out of His essence, which is Love (this statement also agrees with E.Swedenborg’s explanations as given in his TCR and DLW)… consequently, spiritual beings originally created by Him were so to speak emanated sparks of His Love force/energy, to whom was granted indenpendence… and free will… their misuse of that free will was the reason that they so to speak distanced themselves from God… more and more … and this ‘separation’ from their source produced in turn hardening of their spiritual substance… i.e. they turned themselves, by degrees (E.Swedenborg’s Doctrine of degrees would be then also truthful), into what is observed by us and called ‘matter’… God their and our Father ‘shaped’ that hardened spiritual force of His into the Creation and ordered as it’s purpose a return to it’s Source… consequently, the matter is in itself also a spiritual living force… but in ‘seemingly dead condition’ due to it’s above described rebellion … in a sort of ‘spiritual coma’… called in that Revelation a ‘judgment’ and ‘imprisonment’.
Now, please consider how this ‘theory’ of the Creation PERFECTLY stands when in confrontation with the discoveries of the modern science (when thinking about this please consider the spiritual meaning of the words in Isaiah 19:23-25 and also of Matthew 24:27):
Disclosures in New Revelation (J. Lorber and G. Mayerhofer) Relating to Elementary Particles and Modern Research Findings
Just as New Revelation anticipated the discoveries astronomers have made in recent decades, so it also contains disclosures relating to atoms and elementary particles. The terms used are not those we are familiar with today, but nevertheless a picture is given of the mysterious processes of the generation of matter that is wholly in accord with the truth. It is really striking how accurate even the details are, as science has now fully confirmed.
In presenting the line of argument, it will inevitably be necessary to involve the reader at least marginally with the subject of atomic physics. Efforts have been made to present the subject in such a way that the reader will be able to follow. Where the disclosures made by Lorber are concerned, it is important to remember that prophesy always uses its own forms of expression. It should also be noted that New Revelation perceives processes in the subatomic range that at times extend to the spiritual realm, and sees the elementary particles as the first stages in the evolution of animal life. “A spiritual particle of My Self”, it is said, “is present in every atom.” (LGh p. 163) “In everything that is created, a spiritual element is condensed, pushed together in a larger volume … This is how everything you call matter has arisen.” (LGh p. 84) Swedenborg describes it in an analogous way: “There is no natural entity that does not have its origin in the spiritual realm’ “ Materialistic science in both West and East on the other hand denies God the Creator and the transcendental world of spirits. “The materialists,” Birjukow writes, “consider matter to be the basis of all that exists in the world. Spirit and soul are the products of a particular form of highly developed matter.”67 New Revelation and materialistic science are thus diametrically opposed in their fundamental statements. A change is however beginning to emerge in science, as will be shown later. In discussing atoms and elementary particles, New Revelation speaks of “atoms”, “ether atoms”, “atomic animalcules”, “monads” and “spirit particles”.
2300 years ago, the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus had evolved the concept of matter being composed of minute particles that were indivisible. The term atom derives from the Greek atomos, meaning indivisible. The assumption that the atom is indivisible has of course been shown to be false in the 20th century. The atom in turn consists of much smaller particles, known as elementary particles. These form the substructure of matter. Kenneth W. Ford said that at the beginning of this century it was known that atoms existed. The structure of the atoms and the relations between atoms were a mystery then, he continues, just as elementary particles were a mystery today. 68 In 1910, the structure of the atom was not yet known, and the science of elementary particle physics really started only around 1930. It was more than thirty years after Lorber’s death that the first elementary particle, the electron, was discovered, and then the proton in 1920 and the neutron in 1932. The electrons form the outer building stones of matter, calling the unbelievably small units elementary particles. However, the number of these particles kept increasing, until today there are about 200. It was soon found that everything is much more complicated and mysterious than was initially thought. The term “elementary particle” proved inappropriate considering the number of particles, but continues to be used in the scientific literature. Getting a glimpse of the world of smaller and smallest things is interesting and may well make gave occasion to reflect on the greatness and wisdom of the Creator. For good reason, Lorber’s writings contain the following statement: “Man is in need of gaining real knowledge of nature. For how are you to love God if you do not see him in the works of His Creation.” Max Planck, Nobel Prize Winner and founder of quantum theory, once spoke along these lines, referring to an indirect and a direct route to God, the former through science, the latter in the sacrament or in one’s conscience.
Since the discovery of the nuclear particles (nucleons) – the proton and the neutron – and of the electron – the structure of the atom is often compared to the solar system, following a model presented by the Danish scientist Niels Bohr. The comparison holds true only within limits, but it will serve here to gave an insight into the matter under discussion. The electrons are rushing around the nucleus of the atom at a tremendous rate, just as the planets circle the sun.
The atom is so small that about 100 million atoms in line will make one centimeter. The nucleus is a hundred thousand times smaller than the atom itself. 69 A pinhead and a balloon would have the same relative sizes as the diameter of an atomic nucleus and the atom as a whole, including the orbiting electrons. 70
Many decades before the turn of the century, i.e. a long time before science was able to gain an insight into the inner structure of the atom, New Revelation was teaching that the atom consisted of even smaller, subatomic particles. In the book entitled Schoepfungsgeheimnisse (Mysteries of Creation) it says, on page 227: “An idea had to precede the creation of an atom which, before it became an atom, was made up of even smaller constituents, finally bordering on the airy, gaseous or spiritual form.”
The mass of an atom is infinitesimal, as may be seen from the following: “It needs about three thousand million billion (USA trillion, translator) of the heaviest known atoms to make one gram.” 71 The nucleus, taking up one hundred thousandth of the area of the atom, nevertheless has 99.95% of the mass (weight) of the atom. The electron, the particle unit making up the orbital part of the atom, weighs 1836 times less than the proton. It weighs the 10-27th part of a gram. Mathematically, this may be written as follows: mo = 0.9107 * 10-27 grams or mo˜1/ 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 gram i.e. the nominator under the line is the figure 1 with 27 zeros. 72 Scientists are quite rightly asking themselves what the true nature of the electron may be. W.K. Heisenberg, Nobel Prize Winner, speaks of “spirit-like states” in this context, and Lincoln Barnett has said that the electron is a mere glimmer – as indefinite as a breath of wind, a sound wave in the night. 73 In spite of this, the electron, travelling around the nucleus at a rate of 2000 km per second, is a demonstrable reality. 74
According to New Revelation, the electron is on the borderline to the spiritual realm. The following was dictated to Lorber: “The electron thus is nothing more than firstly the state of rest disturbed by pressure and friction, and secondly the excited activity of the etheric spirits, as something that in part is purely spiritual and in part also the natural light and life substance in the air around the earth.” (Gr VIII 144,1) Elsewhere it says: “An ether atom is, though in your terms a noncorporeal, or, to put it in learned words, an imponderable thing, yet still something complete within itself, a limited entity. Despite its minute size, such an atom nevertheless has dimensions of depth and length like any solid body.” (LGh. p. 163). Atomic physicists refer to the electrons rushing around the nucleus as a “cloud of matter” or a “charge cloud” today, whilst New Revelation has the equally apt term “enveloping mist”. When New Revelation describes the forces of attraction and repulsion, we read: “Thus there developed between the atoms, due to their mist envelope, (= electrons, author), the process of assimilation, with the enveloping mist attracting what is homogeneous and repelling what is heterogeneous.” (LGh p. 164). This is an apt description of the attractant and repellent forces in the atom postulated by 20th century scientists.
Materialist science is still unable to accept the New Revelation statement that atoms, or rather electrons, are partly spiritual by nature. But there are scientists who have come very close to this. Jean Mussard for example writes in his three-volume work God and Random Chance: “Perhaps an atom is nothing but a particle of spirit” 75 Teilhard de Chardin held the view that every particle of matter had its atom of soul. 76
Siegfried Mueller-Markus, a professor of physics, writes: “The unobservable soul of the elementary particle directs its observable energy. The soul of particles plays a fundamental role in atomic physics. It is merely that we refuse to acknowledge its existence.” 77
It is no doubt the partly spiritual nature of elementary particles that has forced scientists to make the following confession: “Whilst we know a surprising amount about the laws to which electrons are subject, and about their interrelation with other particles, it is more or less beyond our capacity to apperceive their actual structure.” 78
Until the 1930s, everything about the atom appeared marvellously well ordered and clear. Yet during the decades that followed, scientists came to realize that it is not the atom that is the smallest unit of physical matter, but that the large numbers of elementary particles since discovered form the basis of all cosmic matter. The atom is already an offshoot. 79 What in fact are these tiny particles? The guessing game as to their real nature is still in full swing today. 80 They are almost all the same size, but differ in weight. Some weigh so little that they may be called ‘mere nothings’. They arrive from the universe impelled by inconceivable energies, up to 1021 (= a thousand trillions) electron volt. 81 This is many million times the energy of the protons scientists are rushing through the huge proton accelerators built here on earth. Passing through the layers of air around the earth, they are within tiny fractions of a second transformed into different particles. The heavy particles always disintegrate, resulting in lighter particles. The life span of particles is so inconceivably short that human concepts of time are inadequate. This is a point where Lorber’s statements, considered quite unreal by everybody in his lifetime, have been accurately confirmed by modern science. Lorber merely gives a few examples, just as only a few of the 200 or so elementary particles are discussed in the scientific literature nowadays. In the book entitled Himmelsgaben (Gift of Heaven), vol. I, page 82, written in 1840, Lorber describes the process of particle conversion as follows:
“You will believe water to be the mother of the animal world. But that is not so. The first category in the animal world are the infinitely small inhabitants of the ether. Within this, they are more or less what you call ‘atoms’ in your language. lf you want to see such an animalcule with your eyes, you need to magnify such a dot a trillion (US quadrillion, translator) times-something you will probably never achieve in earthly life. No mortal eye will be able to see things as they really are, only the eye of the spirit is able to do this.”
“These animals are spherical in form, their surface being extremely smooth. Their food is the essence of light. Their life span is the trillionth part of a second, after which they join in their trillions to begin to form a second category of living beings, though these do not differ greatly from their predecessors as far as size is concerned.” “They may be called ‘monads’.” “This type of animal has the planetary sphere for its habitat. The life span is a thousand billionth of a second.” “In the same way, one category after the other is formed, almost the same in form, with life in a higher potency each time. The life span of these entities will have gradually increased to the thousand millionth part of a second.”
In Lorber’s day, scientists could not possibly imagine a subatomic level where magnification by a thousand million would be required to perceive the smallest units of matter. Yet in the meantime, Lorber’s statements, seeming utterly fantastic at the time, have been fully confirmed. The inconceivably small particles, requiring magnification by a thousand million if they are to be made visible, do exist. The large number of elementary particles discovered mostly from the end of the 1940s onwards, includes some that put everything known before in the shade. One of them is the neutrino. It is so tiny that compared to it the electron is a giant. It has a radius of 170 quadrillionth (US quintillionth, translator) of a centimeter. It has tremendous power of penetration, simply passing right through the earth when travelling from the sun to the earth. Even a body as large as the sun should present no obstacle to it. 82 “As soon as the order of magnitude is reduced to something like 10-6,” D. ter Haar has written, “we reach an area where no sharpening of the senses (using an electron microscope, author) will get us any further.” 83 The inside of an atom has also never been seen and never will be seen. 84 Yet the physicists Cowan and Reines thought up a highly sophisticated experiment that enabled them to find the neutrino. According to Asimov, some physicists thought this was merely the ghost of a particle, though in fact it was not a figment of scientific mystique. 85
Lorber wrote that the “atoms are spherical in form, their surface being extremely smooth.” 86 This, too, has now been confirmed. According to Asimov, a photon of visible light may also be envisaged as a sphere. 87 In the scientific journal X-Magazin 8/1972, it is said of the nullitron, another fairly recently discovered particle, that it “is perfectly spherical” and “has a fairly shiny surface.” Lorber’s “extremely smooth” surface and X-Magazin‘s “fairly shiny surface” are obviously synonymous.
The food of elementary particles, Lorber continues, is “the essence of light” (Hi l p. 83). Again statements have been made in atomic physics that certainly suggest a strong analogy. One such statement is to the effect that a light photon (light particle or corpuscle, author) is at any time in contact with about a thousand million atoms, each of them trying to capture the photon and absorb it. 88
Lorber made surprisingly accurate statements as to the life span of elementary particles, statements that agree exactly with research findings in atomic physics. “Their life span”, Lorber wrote, “is one trillionth of a second” (Hi I, p. 83). The life span of the sigma particle S0 is given as 10-18 seconds by D. ter Haar, i.e. exactly a trillionth of a second. 89 Following transformation into the next stage, Lorber gives a life span of a thousand billionth of a second (Hi 1, p. 83). The life of a neutral pion is in fact 10-15 seconds, i.e. a thousand billionth of a second. 90 “The life span of these entities”, New Revelation says, “will have gradually increased to the thousand millionth part of a second.” (Hi I, p. 83). This, too, has been confirmed by D. ter Haar. The xi particle has a life of 10-9 seconds (= one milliardth of a second). 91 Ford gives the same figure for lambda particles. 92 As transformation progresses, the life span also increases, e.g. to 10-8, 10-6 and 10-3 seconds. 93 A book by Kenneth W. Ford, a reading American scientist in the field of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, provides illumination for Lorber’s statement that such transformations gave “one category after the other, almost the same in form”.
When the lambda particle has spontaneously dissociated into a nucleon and a pion, which takes less than a thousand millionth of a second, the process continues as follows, according to Ford: The pion takes slightly longer (than a thousand millionth of a second, author) to dissociate into a myon and a neutrino. Shortly afterwards, the myon, too has disappeared and in its place an electron, a neutrino and an antineutrino have been produced. All this occurs with a millionth of a second. 94
Ford says that elementary particles normally disintegrate, giving rise to lighter particles. 95 New Revelation has an analogous statement: “Larger elements always dissolve into lighter ones.” (SGh p. 92) “In nature, one thing always changes unnoticeably into another, as wave generates wave.” (Hi 1, p. 241, 9)
Another statement made in New Revelation is that the “different classes of entities (elementary particles, author) … do not differ greatly from those that went before where their size is concerned.” (Hi I, p. 83, II) This agrees with the following, stated by modern scientists: “The elementary particles are approximately the same in size.” “The products of disintegration again are elementary particles and the same size as the original product.” 96
20th century research has shown that matter does not exist in a state of rest (i.e. it is neither ‘inert’ neither ‘absolutely dead’!!), as 19th century scientists had assumed. At subatomic level, a constant process of destruction is in progress, fast as lightning, catastrophic in nature, and mysterious, finally ending in stable elementary particles. Matter arises from a chaotic process that is almost inconceivable. These processes, far from clear as yet to modern scientists, were spectacularly anticipated by Lorber more than a hundred years ago, when he wrote down what the Inner Voice dictated. Very succinctly, New Revelation refers to these mysterious processes of creation, processes 19th century readers would hardly have been able to make much of. lt says: “Where you see little or nothing with your eyes, great things are in progress, and it is exactly as a wise man once said (meaning Shakespeare, author): ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’ ” (EM p. 85)
The numerous transformations of elementary particles finally end in particles with unlimited life span. The fact that the protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus do not disintegrate is due to their extraordinary “powers of interchange” which is also called “interaction”. The term “interaction” plays as important a role in the scientific disclosures in New Revelation as it does in modern nuclear physics. We shall return to this later. In Lorber’s day, the concept of “interaction” in conjunction with disintegration and generation was totally unknown. What is interaction? According to Ford, all the usual forces causing one object to be attracted by another are interactions, and the disintegration of an unstable elementary particle also reflects interaction. 97
The outer part and the nucleus of an atom are held together by electromagnetic interaction. This force is not enough, however, to hold together the two nucleons, the proton and the neutron. There must be another force, a force a hundred times more powerful than electromagnetic force. In 1935, Professor Hideki was able to predict, on the basis of calculations, that there must be a certain elementary particle that moves to and fro between protons and neutrons with lightning speed, creating a fast rhythm in which the protons and neutrons would not find the time to repel one another. 12 years later, this particle was indeed found in cosmic radiation and given the name pi-meson, or pion. Within one second, it rushes to and fro 5 * 1017 times (i.e. almost a trillion times) to and fro between protons and neutrons. 98 As to how interaction actually produces this force, this is something nuclear physicists are not really able to say. 99 It is in fact impossible for them to say, for according to Lorber the cause of this force of attraction is metaphysical. New Revelation says: “It is the force of My will that is the great bond joining all bodies in the universe, taking them all around and through each other… and so My will is at the same time the basic substance of all things.” (EM p. 250)
Matter in the final instance being of spiritual origin, scientists will have to admit, however deeply they may have penetrated.
Mussard says, “as to the essence of waves and oscillations. Science teaches that they comprise an energy equivalent for noncreated matter. They are as transcendental to us as the soul of man.” 105
At this point, modern science comes very close to New Revelation. There are several passages where reference is made to the wrong road taken by materialistic science. “What scientists are seeing are nothing but crude processes in their retorts and distillation apparatus; they see a highly consistent scheme but are unable to comprehend it…. They do not want to look for the spirit.” (LGh p. 80 f) “They do not want to recognize a great lawgiver, though they come upon his tracks at every step. If they were free from prejudice they surely would not be able to deny him.” (SGh p. 35) “They therefore impute intelligence to matter, saying: they are merely following this or that impulse, just as they themselves are following their own materialistic vision, which is one of total delusion.” (LGh p. 81) “But life is spiritual, and no microscope will allow us to spy on it in its sphere of activity.” (Hi I, p. 94)
Kurt Eggenstein ‘The prophet Jakob Lorber predicts coming catastrophies and the True Christianity – part one‘
I will repeat my main question here, which is, is/are there any available study/studies existing in the scientific department of the New Church which is similar to this above presented one?!!
‘It is true that the Heavenly Doctrines contain in themselves the whole of a true science and philosophy, but where we are able to develop this, we shall find that it will make one with the teachings of the earlier works; and so we shall find that the teachings of these earlier works are the means ready to our hand whereby we can see a philosophy and science in the Heavenly Writings which otherwise might entirely escape our gaze.
The New Church is to be the crown of the churches. Unlike the former churches, its doctrines are to enlighten not only the spiritual mind but also the natural (!!). It is to give to the world not only a new theology but a new philosophy and a new science (!!); and this that the Lord may be revealed not only as the God of heaven but as the God of earth; not only as the God of the theologian, but as the God of the philosopher and the scientist (!!); the Divine Man, whose presence and operation and law is to be seen and loved and worshipped in every plane of human life; in whose land “shall be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria; and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians; and Israel shall be a blessing in the midst of the Land.”[Isaiah 19:23,24]]
Is it then to be wondered at, that in addition to the Writings of the New Church, the Lord, in preparing Swedenborg for his mission as Revelator, has also provided for the use of mankind a science and philosophy which makes one with Divine Revelation and which shall serve for the enlightenment of men that they may read that Revelation with clearer sight and see its truths in clearer light?’
A.Acton ‘Introduction to the Word Explained’
May grace and peace of our Lord
Abound with you more and more
Lorens 🙂
(May 25-26, 2008)
Lista izvora za K.Eggensteinovu knjigu:
- 67 Birjukow, D.A.: THE MYTH OF THE SOUL, Leipzig 1959, p. 29
- 68 Ford, Kenneth, W: THE WORLD OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES, Heidelberg 1966, p. 2
- 69 Asimow, Isaac: THE NEUTRINO, Frankfurt M. 1971, p. 8
- 70 Haber, Heinz: THE SUBSTANCE OF CREATION in “Picture of Science”, Stuttgart 1966, p. 91
- 71 Asimo, Isaac: THE NEUTRI NO. ibid note 69, p. 44
- 72 Brik, Hans: MYSTERY-ATOM MYSTERY-LIFE, Berlin 1966, p. 170
- 73 Barnett, Lincoln: EINSTEIN AND THE UNIVERSE, Frankfurt M. 1951, p. 37
- 74 Ducrocq, Albert: NOVEL. ibid note 22, p. 25
- 75 Mussard, J.: GOD…. Vol. 1. ibid note 33, p. 86
- 76 Mussard, J.:GOD…. Vol. I. ibid note 33, p. 86
- 77 Mueller-Markus, Siegfried, GOD RETURNS, Aschaffenburg, 1972, p. 105
- 78 Von der Osten-Sacken: COSMOS. ibid note 30, p. 243
- 79 Ducrocq, Albert: NOVEL. ibid note 22, p. 33
- 80 Laun, WL.: FROM THE ATOM TO THE BORDER OF THE UNIVERSE, Darmstadt 1966, p. 42
- 81 “The Time”, #10, 1972
- 82 Brik, Hans: MYSTERY. ibid note 72, p. 100
- 83 D.ter Haar: TURNING-POINT IN PHYSICS, Braunschweig 1963, p. 127
- 84 Mussard, J.: GOD. ibid note 33, p. 21
- 85 Assimow, Isaac: THE NEUTRINO. ibid note 69, p. 105
- 86 Braunbeck in FAZ, October 20, 1971
- 87 Assimow, Isaac: THE NEUTRINO. ibid note 69, p. 105
- 88 Assimow, Issac: THE NEUTRINO. ibid note 69, p. 106
- 89 D.ter Haar: TURNING-POINT. ibid note 83, p. 156
- 90 Kahn, Fritz: THE ATOM, FINALLY UNDERSTOOD, Stuttgart 1962, p. 54
- 91 “Look at!” Mannheim 1963, p. 97
- 92 D.ter Haar: TURNING-POINT. ibid note 83, p. 156
- 93 Ford, Kenneth: THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p. 23
- 94 D.ter Haar: TURNING-POINT. ibid -note 83, p. 156
- 95 Ford, Kenneth: THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p. 23
- 96 Ford, Kenneth: THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p. 25
- 97 THE WORLD OF THE ATOM, published by A. Cube, Tuebingen 1970,
- 98 Ford, Kenneth: THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p. 191
- 99 Von der Osten-Sacken: Cosmos. ibid note 30, p. 258
- 100 Ford, Kenneth: THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p.11
- 101 Haber, Heinz: THE SUBSTANCE. ibid note 70, p. 129
- 102 Ford, Kenneth; THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p. 165
- 103 Ford, Kenneth: THE WORLD. ibid note 68, p. 119
- 104 Mussard, J.: GOD. ibid note 33, p. 83
- 105 Mussard, J.: GOD. ibid note 33, p. 69 & 105
He rose again with His WHOLE body (Romans 8:18-23!)…
‘As the Lord’s Human was glorified, that is, made Divine, He rose again after death on the third day with His whole body; which does not take place with any man; for a man rises again solely as to the spirit, and not as to the body.’ E.Swedenborg ‘Doctrine of the Lord – 35:9’
Dear S., good day, how are you?! 🙂
In your response to my small treatise about ‘absolutelly dead matter’ in E.Swedenborg’s writings you wrote:
Thanks for putting that onto the list, Lorens, it was wonderful to read. Very clear and thought provoking. I can’t say I understood it, but it almost didn’t matter. I still learned a lot. S.
and I am glad that you liked what was written there… I mean, it is indeed amazing that 200 years ago when science was in it’s diapers (as far as I remember what I read earlier, people of that time were not even aware of the existence of the oxygen in the air) Jesus Christ revealed to someone such a precise knowledge about elementary particles… and their development…
This part only:
‘Lorber made surprisingly accurate statements as to the life span of elementary particles, statements that agree exactly with research findings in atomic physics. “Their life span”, Lorber wrote, “is one trillionth of a second” (Hi I, p. 83). The life span of the sigma particle S0 is given as 10-18 seconds by D. ter Haar, i.e. exactly a trillionth of a second. Following transformation into the next stage, Lorber gives a life span of a thousand billionth of a second (Hi 1, p. 83). The life of a neutral pion is in fact 10-15 seconds, i.e. a thousand billionth of a second. “The life span of these entities”, New Revelation says, “will have gradually increased to the thousand millionth part of a second.” (Hi I, p. 83). This, too, has been confirmed by D. ter Haar. The xi particle has a life of 10-9 seconds (= one milliardth of a second). Ford gives the same figure for lambda particles. As transformation progresses, the life span also increases, e.g. to 10-8, 10-6 and 10-3 seconds. A book by Kenneth W. Ford, a reading American scientist in the field of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, provides illumination for Lorber’s statement that such transformations gave “one category after the other, almost the same in form”.
should be enough for anybody to take his prophecies very very seriously.
Not to mention that this Revelation of Jesus Christ also gives to us an very accurate report about other in that time completely uknown things… as for example ‘dual nature of light’, than ‘electro-magnetic waves’… also about ‘prehistoric men’… and, in epoch when people did not know yet about the existence of the planet Neptune, report about ‘birth of the cosmic matter’ or ‘appearance of galaxies, suns and planets.’
Check for example this modern scientific find in relation to just mentioned Revelation of our Lord:
‘By the way, Lorber wrote that the earth was not ejected from the sun, but from the gigantic original central sun of our shelled globe. Word for word, he put it like this: “The situation as concerns this earth is a very strange one. It does belong to this sun, as a planet, but strictly speaking it is not of this sun the way the other planets are, but originally arose directly from the original central sun.” (The Great Gospel of John IV 106, 8 = this book for example, ‘The Great Gospel of John’, is day by day, hour by hour ‘documentary’ report of His three years active ministry…)
Some decades ago, astronomers accepted it as a matter of course that the earth derived from our sun. Today, it has become obvious that this theory is untenable. Scientists have now discovered the following: “The widespread view that the earth consists of material from the sun is erroneous. Our planet consists to more than 50% of heavy elements (iron, nickel, copper, zinc, lead, uranium, author) that are not to be found in the sun. The difference in chemical composition makes it seem impossible that the earth was originally a fragment of the sun. The temperature of the sun is much too low – and always has been so – to provide for the synthesis of the heavy elements that are the main constituents of our planet. The earth undoubtedly comes from another heavenly body, one that is at least ten times the size. Only a supergiant can evolve the heat required to gave birth to 92 elements, which our planet contains in their native state.” Once again, therefore, something considered absolutely established has been shown to be erroneous, and scientific opinion has come to be in agreement with the disclosures in the New Revelation.’
… as for me, personally, my soul is captured with the beauty of this particular part = ‘materialization’ of his great revelation every time I read and meditate about it… and light from it that is shed on the things in on our natural world is truly glorious.
Now, following ‘story of primal Creation of the spirits, their fall and formation of the material universe’, is in my opinion of extreme importance if, for example, we want to understand what in all truth means that above mentioned ‘total spiritualization of the Lord’s body’.
Once we understand that our ‘material creation’ is not ‘absolutely dead’ as E.Swedenborg speculates, i.e. that our material creation is nothing else but ‘the spiritual soul-substance under the judgment’, or ‘bound spiritual that groaneth and travaileth in pain’ (Romans 18:18-23 = dear S., please read this text of mine very carefully and than, after that, read what Apostle wrote in his Epistle to Romans 18:1-23, and than tell me what do you think about ‘redemption of our body’ in relation to what is said about our Lord ‘Who rose with His WHOLE BODY’; also, what is your opinion about Eliah being taken into heaven with his whole body = 2 Kings 2:1-10… and also Enoch = Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5?!; through Jakob Lorber we are told that this ‘redemption of our physical body-supstances’ is indeed possible even when we still live on Earth, but it is of course very rearly acheived because this kind of ‘redemption’ requires a very very high level of spirituality),
As received from Jesus Christ by His servant the prophetess Bertha Dudde,
Revelation nr. 8613, September 11, 1963
All My Creation works prove My endless Love to you, My unsurpassed wisdom and My ALL -Might. Because they originated solely for the rescue, for the bringing back of the once fallen spirituals. Therefore the whole Creation work is the expression of My overwhelming Love, because it was especially meant for those spiritual beings that opposed ME and who rejected My Love and thus were so to speak no longer worthy of My Love. Nevertheless it was just this rebellious spiritual that moved ME to build Creation-Works, so that they might give up their resistance and should re- turn to ME again.
At first Love paid no attention to the resistance, but took instead the fallen spiritual into custody, i.e., My wisdom and My might dissolved the beings into countless particles and My Love -Force enveloped them and transformed these once radiated Force into Creation-Works, and My Wisdom designed once more their destiny. To put a Creation-Work into existence, Love, Wisdom and Might were active without interruption. Therefore, was and is the Creation in the purest sense of the word, a divine Work, a testimony of ME in My BEING, and that should seem to you people as the greatest miracle, once you seriously meditate about it.
And this Creation, which is constantly changing, will remain a miracle because it deals not with lifeless things. The functions of the single Creation-Works proves to every thinking person a living GOD, full of Wisdom, Whose Will- Force and Love is inexhaustible, Whose Might is without limit, Who unceasingly Creates Forms that harbor the once fallen tiny particles that serve in the Creation-Works under the law of “must”. Because I wrenched this fallen spiritual from the domination of My opponent, of the might of that one who once caused its fall -whom it once followed voluntarily. It was indeed his, just because it followed him voluntarily, but he was deprived of all power over the spiritual, once My Life-Force changed it into matter. This spiritual being wrenched from the influence of My opponent was now subject to My Law. It was no longer free, because it had foregone its freedom. But for its own sake it has to serve in abound state, placed under My Law.
The whole Creation is a work of My Love for this fallen, unhappy spiritual being that travels the way in the Creation also in great grief. (Romans 8:19-22)
But once the fallen being has passed its way through the Creation and walks now as man over the Earth, then the Creation-Work is also apparent to him and he can be pleased with it, because he has gone beyond the state of grief; he sees the Creation in all magnificence, before him and it proves to him the Creator’s Love, Wisdom and Might as soon as he starts to give up his last resistance against ME.
But he himself is indeed partially free, but still exposed to the influence of My opponent, who previously had no power over the being. Man still belongs to My opponent until he has disengaged himself from him in free-will.
And thus you must rightly understand: My Creation can make humans happy and will do so because it is My work. -Only I used the Force that once radiated out of ME as being, to its origin, solely transforming the Force into the most varied Works of My Love and Wisdom -that it is however in its substance the fallen spiritual and therefore belongs to My opponent, and it will be his share until the fallen spiritual, entirely redeemed has returned to ME. You people do not see the “fallen” in the Creation…, but you see only the Works of My Love. And you may enjoy those, you may recognize MYSELF therein and you may consider yourself happy that you have already covered the way through the Creation and are close to your perfection.
But you should also think thereon, that the real world is a spiritual one, that can only be seen by one with spiritual vision, that all that is visible to you is only the reflected splendor of this real spiritual world. You should think thereon that each matter is hardened spiritual substance and that this indurations was again only the consequence of the resistance against ME, the rejection of My Love-Force. Then you will understand that the earthly substance is spirituality in rebellion against ME, and that My Love and Wisdom induced it to a serving function in order to break its resistance and lead the spirituality back to its Ur-state.
The apostasy of the beings from ME produced the hardening of the spiritual substance and therefore it belongs to My opponent until this substance is again spiritualized.
That does not prevent ME from taking away his power over this spirituality and transforming it into Creations of all kinds, with the purpose of its final, voluntary withdrawing from him and return to ME. And so remains the Creation forever a divine Work, a Work of My endless Love and Wisdom that only I MYSELF could bring into existence. In ME dwells all Might and Force and I can realize everything that My Love and Wisdom want, and has recognized as successful. AMEN
than it is truly easy to understand what is the purpose of it and in what manner it should be treated!
I would also love to hear, because you said nothing about it in your answer, what is your opinion about those ‘absolutely dead matter’ part’s in E.Swedenborg’s revelation that I mentioned in my last treatise.
Now, as to this part of your short answer ‘I can’t say I understood it…’
Let us try again but this time with little bit more informations 🙂 :
We learn from the Lorber writings that God, feeling a need for the company of loving, feeling and active beings, created at the beginning of our period of creation from His countless substantial thought-forces, the ‘primordial elements’ or ‘elemental life sparks’, a number of great spirit beings similar to His own divine archetypal form. He endowed certain particularly vigorous life-sparks with the power to attract as mighty ‘power-centres’ countless other life-sparks from the Creator’s great aboundance and to unite with them to a collective intelligence, a living spirit being. These great ‘primordial spirits’, in accordance with the will of God, thereupon called into existence within their life-spheres countless minor spirits. And thus, gradually, infinite space was populated.
In ‘The Great Gospel of John’ the Father of Light says this: ‘Do you think that without beings in My image, who recognize and love Me, My endless, eternal perfection of life would be of any use and make Me happy? No, it would not! My own supreme bliss also lies in seeing My countless still imperfect little children grow in their cognition and perfection and their consequent activity. Their joy over a laboriously achieved, more perfected ability is also My constant joy. And My infinite perfection becomes so inestimably valuable only when the still dependent little children keep striving after it more and more, showing clearly how it is growing within them. If this were not so, do you think I would ever have created a world and any living beings upon it? All this has already from eternity been an indispensable need for Me without which there would never have been created and earth populated with all kinds of beings.’
Education of the Spirits to Independence and Godlikeness
The need of the Deity for loving and sharing beings could be satisfied solely by completely free and independent beings, as much as possible equal to God, and not by merely apparently free puppet-like creatures who every moment of their existence depended on God. For in the un-free creature the Spirit of God Himself is thinking, feeling, willing and acting. And in the same way as our arms and legs cannot be companions to us, this cannot be for the Deity with mere ‘puppets’.
Therefore, the Lord of Life had to create for Himself images of His own completely free and independent spirit person if He wanted to gather around Him true, loving and happiness-giving life, thereby enhancing His own most clearly aware Being.
In view of this great reasoning and purpose of the creation of spirits it was necessary for these children of God not to be created by a single word of the Creator all at once already perfected, i.e., in the state of full godlike independence and perfection. Only a gradual development, a growing from something small, dependent and imperfect, and a gradual, laborious maturing of the beings to godlike perfection, could give the Creator as well as His created beings that lasting happiness of give and take and those tensions and releases of life-activity which are the basic prerequisites to true bliss.
Thus the Lord says in ‘The Great Gospel of John’: ‘If I had made every spirit’s nature such that he would be perfect already from the outset without his own effort, what practice of living and independent progress could still be imaginable for him? For what activity could such spirits eventually be used? As far as the essential freedom of action is concerned, even the tress of the forest would then be better off than a man already from birth perfected in every respect.’
Therefore, the primordial spirits were created by God in such a way that they could attain to true complete independence and godlikeness only gradually through a loving, wise and effective education and by their own effort, and that by voluntary acceptance of the basic law of the diving kingdom of life: ‘Love God above all and your fellowman as yourself!’ – Only in this holy order of God was – and is forever – a peaceful existence of an undivided realm of life conceivable.
Lucifer’s Fall and the Origin of Matter
In volume 2, chapter 231 of ‘The Great Gospel of John’ we read: ‘The original period during which God began to form the first spirits from His thoughts and ideas and make them independent lasted for almost countless aeons. So much happened during this immensely long time in order that the free will of he primordial spirits might be perfected! And yet there were at the end of this endlessly long educational period still many who, although they did understand God’s paths to a proper development, had no intention of voluntarily walking these paths. For the sake of a sooner to achieve benefit – which however was only of short duration – they strayed from the prescribed path of God’s order and entered upon the road to their ruin.’
The first one who took this disastrous step was the greatest of the primordial spirits, called the ‘Light bearer’, or in the Latin of the monks ‘Lucifer’. In this principal primordial spirit, in this ‘great rallying spot’, says the Lord (The Household of God – 3/27’ J.Lorber), was all the so far from God emanated essential light (life) concentrated, ‘so that within him the abundance of beings that had gone forth might freely mature under the beams of My constant grace, contemplated and enjoyed by Me and also contemplating Me out of the love-light I had bestowed upon him.’
When this first spirit had not reached even a quarter of his maturity (The Household of God – 3/22:20’ J.Lorber), he began to resist the order of God. And instead of humbly loving his Creator and Preserver above all and also respecting all his brothers, he and with him all his subordinate spirits – gave way to the inherent propensity of self-love and sank into utter self-conceit and egotism.
However, since no life can exist on the foundation of merciless self-love, this turn had the most disastrous consequences for the great light-spirit and his adherents. By turning away from God they deprived themselves of the nourishing streams of life which flow from God as from a sun to all beings. Their abilities dwindled, their spirit-being shriveled up, as it were, became solidified and their entire sphere of life sank into a deathlike torpor and decay. Thus etheric light-beings turned into seemingly inanimate stuff of the world, the primitive fog of matter (it shows how through lost of warmth visible misty clouds arise from invisible steam). For the primordial spirits this was a terrible change, a horrific judgment. – However, the divine Creator did not disown and forsake His erring creatures. His fatherly love showed mercy to the fallen. And from the countless primordial fog-clouds of matter His wisdom and might, with the help of the countless still faithful primordial spirits, He formed the entire material world as a marvelous new order for further great, truly divine purposes of development and salvation.
Creation of the Visible Universe – a Materialization#
In ‘The Great Gospel of John – 4/105’ the Lord says: ‘Behold, just as now people have become so material through self-love, arrogance and the therefrom resulting lust for power that for many thousands of years they will be unable to free themselves from this completely, – there were once also primordial spirits who, because of the impulse they had bee endowed with, had become too egotistic selfish, proud and finally tyrannical. As a result of this they changed into matter.
The separated into principalities and took up positions in, for you unimaginably great distances, each one averse to hearing, seeing or having any contact with another one, concentrating solely on their self-love. Through more and more passing into self-love and the thereby increasingly awakened arrogance and lust for power the countless life-forms – by the law of gravity* – contracted to an immense lump, and the material primordial central sun of a shell globe** had come into being.
(*i.e., the mutual mass attraction. Although the Luciferian spirits in their boundless self-conceit fled from each other, every spirit needs for his existence the in other spirits accumulated life-energies out of God, so to speak, as nourishment. ‘Know this’, we read in ‘The natural sun’ (chapter 73) ‘that every spirit of whatever kind needs for his continuance a nourishment, without which he would weaken progressively and fell into an unconscious, sleep-like state.’ In order to obtain this nourishment from each other, their self love drove the spirits again together. – These phenomena of the repulsion due to self-conceit and attraction resulting from greed and hunger for life, we can observe as mental-spiritual fundamental attributes also in mortals. They are spiritual fundamental attributes of all created beings, particularly those originating from Lucifer. In the natural sciences they are called centrifugal and gravitational force. From a spiritual viewpoint, these laws of nature, which seem so incomprehensible to materialistic thinkers, are easy to understand. Thus, Jakob Lorber’s prophetic writings have given a remarkable revelation and clarification to the natural sciences.
**Shell globes are, according to Lorber, those immeasurably great creational units (with a primordial central sun and countless subordinate solar systems) out of which the entire creation is built like a cellular structure. Also science has recognized in our galaxy a boundlessly great creational unit.)
In infinite space there is a countless number of such shell globes in every one of which a primordial central sun serves countless universes as a centre (this has been full confirmed by more recent scientific discoveries). These primordial central suns are actually those shrunken primordial spirit principalities from which gradually all the other galaxies, secondary central suns, planetary suns, planets, moons and comets have gone forth. How did this happen?
In the primordial central sun (in all the shell globes) the pressure became too mighty for many of the great spirits. They ignited, glowing in their rage, freed themselves from the pressure and fled to vast distances away from their initial conglomerate. For a while they floated in space, freely and harmlessly by themselves, without restraint, showing an inclination to pass voluntarily into the purely spiritual order. However, unable to rid themselves of the element of self-love, they began once more to shrink into a solid body, and thus central suns of the second order came into being in one or the other of the countless shell globes.
In these central suns of the second order, too, the principal spirits became angry, because of the increasing pressure, ignited and freed themselves in countless masses from the second conglomerate. They again showed an inclination to pass into the spiritual, but since in a while they were again very pleased with themselves, their material weight kept growing and they also shrunk into great lumps which became central suns of the third order.
Soon the same happened as with the former central suns. The higher spirits, as the ones fewer in number, were gradually too mightily pressured by the still countless subordinate spirits. They soon became enraged again and in great numbers tore themselves away with great force from the mutual lump with the firm intention now at last to pass into the pure spiritual. For ages they floated in the vast spaces of creation as separate etheric vaporous masses. They enjoyed this freedom, remembering the mighty pressure thy had had to bear. However, in this inactive freedom they eventually became hungry and began to seek nourishment in space, thus, satiation from an external source. This they had to find, and they did (in other scattered vapourous masses of matter). For, desire is like a magnet which attracts all iron and minerals containing iron with irresistible force. And what was the consequence? They, too, began gradually to solidify, soon also self-love arose and the inevitable consequence was the shrinking into a mutual lump. This, of course, took always countless earth-years.
However, what are eons of time before the eternal God? A seer of antiquity said: ‘A thousand years are like a day before God!’ I tell you: A thousand times thousand years are hardly a moment before God. To an idler, out of boredom, hours become days and days – years. To the diligent and always active person, hours become moments and weeks – days. And God is from eternity incessantly active with an endless zeal, and as a result what for you are eons, must seem just like moments to Him.
From the last mentioned shrinkage there grew, and are still growing today, the planetary suns like the one shining upon your Earth. Although this type of suns is much milder and gentler than the central suns, they still carry an immense mass of heavy matter as a consequence of the self-love of their eon times eons of spirits. In time the nobler and better spirits within this fire-ball find the pressure from the lower spirits, which have become all matter, again too heavy and unbearable. The result is the same as with the previous suns: Violence, eruptions upon eruptions, and the nobler spirits free themselves. Now there awakens within them the already quite serious will to pass into the pure spiritual by complying with the true order of God. Many conquer their innate urge to disobey and become primordial angels without first having to go through a life in the flesh.
However, some spirits principalities, having escaped from the planetary suns with the best intentions, do not succeed in completely freeing themselves from self-love and begin gradually to once more follow the original impulse placed into them. They soon become materially visible as vaporous comets with a long tail. What doest the tail mean? It shows the hunger of the solidifying spirits and their great desire for material satiation. This desire draws suitable material nourishment from the ether and such a comet, as a conglomerate of spirits that have become very material, then wanders about in the vast ether-space for many thousand of years seeking nourishment like a ravening wolf. But through this imbibing and devouring the comet becomes denser and heavier. Eventually it is again attracted by the sun from which it has escaped insofar as it has to begin a regular revolution around it. Once it has to submit to such an order, it becomes a planet like this Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and others of this kind.’
# Nature offers an analogy that may make the transformation of spirit into matter easier to understand also for a lay person. A frozen pond consists of ice, which is very hard; in spring, the ice dissolves into soft water; in the summer heat the pond dries up and the water is visible in form of a delicate cloud. The cloud, too, dissolves, into hydrogen molecules, and nothing is then visible to the eye. The following autumns and winter the whole process occurs in reverse order. Out of “nothing” apparently, a hard form of matter is again created. These progressive changes in the states of aggregation of matter border on the miraculous. Yet they seem in no way absurd to us, and we take them so much for granted that we hardly ever gave them a thought. We consider the many marvellous processes occurring in nature not worth our attention, because we see them all the time and cannot deny them, even though we are unable to grasp them. Should we assume that God’s creative powers come to a stop at the point where our ability to understand reaches its limits?
“Those who believe”, New Revelation says, “will have many miraculous things revealed to them. The unbeliever is beyond help or guidance. In vain he looks into My great workshop of life with his blind eyes. I tell you: he will find nothing but the excrement of death, for life is of the spirit, and no microscope will make it possible to eavesdrop on it in its sphere of activity.” (Jakob Lorber, Heavenly Gifts I p. 94, 7)
Earth and Moon
‘As far as the earth is concerned, the circumstances are quite peculiar. As a planet the earth belongs to this our planetary sun, but actually it has not, like all the other planets, gone forth from this sun, but has originally come into existence out of the primordial central sun (of our shell globe) and is, therefore, incalculably older than the planetary sun (of our shell globe) and is, therefore, incalculably older than the planetary sun. Yet it began to become a solid body (i.e., solidified matter) only long after our planetary sun had – as a developed globe – begun its first revolution around its central sun. However, then the earth attracted its material substance mainly from this planetary sun.’ (The Great Gospel of John – 4/106’ J.Lorber)
Similar to how the other globes originated from their mother worlds, the moons were finally born out of the planets. We learn about the coming into existence of our moon: ‘Many thousand times thousands of earth years ago, the earth was much heavier and its spirits were badly pressurized. Thereupon the grosser spirits became enraged, separated from the earth with much grossly material mass and for many thousands of years swarmed around the earth in a most disorderly path. But since all parts of the moon, except for a few lumps, were still soft and half liquid and the entire mass was in constant rotation, the whole eventually formed into a large sphere.
Now you have learnt how the material creation has come into existence – right to the planets and moons which almost everywhere have the same characteristics and serve the same purpose.’ (The Great Gospel of John – 4/107’ J.Lorber)
Structure of the material creation
In ‘The Great Gospel of John – 6/245), received through Jakob Lorber, the Lord give some learned Jews and Romans the following overwhelming picture of the wondrous structure of creation:
‘The Earth is by no means a small globe, and the sun is about a million times larger than the Earth. But already the central sun of the next magnitude is more than a million times larger than the sun of this Earth and has a greater volume than all the thousand million planetary suns, with their earths, moons and comets taken together, which revolve with great velocity in, for you, inconceivably extensive paths around such a central sun. And yet, especially the most distant ones need often a million earth years to just once complete their path and arrive again at the original spot. Such a group of celestial bodies is called a solar region (galaxy).
Now there is another type of central suns around which revolve in endlessly greater paths entire solar regions (galaxies) with their central suns. The most distant ones already need an eon of earthly years to orbit but once around this central sun. Such a second central sun, around which whole solar regions (galaxies) with their suns revolve, we shall call, including their millions of solar regions (galaxies), a solar universe (super galaxy).
Imagine and equally large number of such solar universes. They again have at an immeasurable depth and distance, inconceivable to human understanding, a common central sun which, as a celestial body, is ten million times larger than the solar universes that revolve around it in immeasurably extended circles. Let us call this third central sun a solar universal universe (super super galaxy).
Of these there is a for you incalculable number, and all of them, at an unfathomable depth, have a gigantic primordial central sun around which they revolve as one body, without disturbance of their own movements, in a path measurable only for angelic spirits. Such a system of solar universes around a primordial central sun we shall call a shell globe, for all the above mentioned universal universes, revolving in all directions around the primordial central sun, form an enormous sphere. Due to their fast-as-thought revolution and the resulting projectile force, they form a kind of shell with a density equaling that of your atmosphere and a diameter which exceeds by far a million of eons.’
Shell globes as cells of Creation
‘Here the learned Jews and Romans say: Lord, the overwhelming magnitude of Your creation makes our head swim! Can even an angel ever perceive and comprehend it?’ Says the Lord: ‘Of course, for otherwise he would not be an angel. But there is still much more. So far I have shown you hardly one point of the magnitude of My creation. – We have come to the great shell as the common envelopment of all the countless universal universes. How this shell is formed I have already told you. But why is it formed?
Behold, every whole as such, from the largest to the smallest, has a covering or skin for the protection of its ingenious inside. It also serves the important purpose of absorbing from the inner mechanism of an animate body all that is impure and unsuitable for organic life and draining it to the outside from where it again draws purified vital nourishment which it conveys to the inner life mechanism of the body. This should explain to you why I call such a unit of universal universes a shell globe.
However, do not ask about the size and diameter of such a shell globe. For human calculations a figure could not ever be imagined by which, based on the standard measurement of the distance from earth to sun, these eons of expanses could not be determined.
Such a shell globe is actually only a single spot in the vast space of My creation. Now imagine outside the shell or outer skin of such a globe the vast, endless space as completely empty, and that to such an extent that with the keenest eyes one might detect of the neighbouring shell globe but a tiny dot of light and another one in the opposite direction which is a shell globe also. That would give you an idea as to the distance between two shell globes of the same magnitude, which is so immense that it makes them appear as hardly noticeable shining dots.
The great cosmic man
‘Of such shell globes the endless spaces of creation holds a number inconceivable to the keenest human understanding, all of which form in their entire outline, in accordance with God’s order, a complete man. What must the size of this great cosmic man be if already a single shell globe (corresponding to a cell in the human body) is so immense and the distance of one shell globe from he next is even eon times greater! But also this cosmic man, like every shell globe, is surrounded by a kind of etheric skin which is, of course, considerably denser than that of a shell globe, but serves generally the same purpose.
Beyond this cosmic man there extends infinitely in all directions the free ether space through which this man, driven by My will, flies in an endlessly vast circle with, for you, inconceivable speed. This is because of the nutrient from the endless sea of ether through which he swims like a fish. But since in the free ether-space there is neither an above nor below, and no being can fall anywhere, this man is standing quite as firmly in space as are this earth, its sun and all the eons upon eons of suns in a shell globe.’
The Prodigal Son
In Lorber’s noteworthy work which describes the spiritual development in the beyond of the well-known freedom fighter Robert Blum, this spirit entity is allowed, for the sake of his enlightenment, to see the great cosmic man from a considerable distance (R.Blum – from hell to heaven – 2/301). – ‘How very peculiar!’, he exclaims. ‘That is a perfect human form – the knees slightly bent, the hands hanging quite powerless and the head, with long Absalom hair, bent forward as if in grief, gazing into the bottomless depth. The loins are covered with a tattered-looking cloth; in short, the entire figure produces a melancholy impression. The enormous size could give one the idea as if this were the outer form of the universally active spirit out of you, o Lord. But the atmosphere of melancholy tells me that this cannot be the case. Besides, there should be life in Your Spirit, of which there isn’t a trace in this huge figure. Probably it is only a phosphorescence breathed onto the boundless firmament through your might. And all this will have its important purpose which, except for You, no one knows.’
When taken together, the viewer describes his impressions with the words: ‘Now I see how the entire enormous figure, which seems to fill almost all the depths of infinite space, consists of countless densely-strewn minute, glittering grains of sand. The number of these glittering dots is practically endless, at least no created spirit could imagine it. Now the entire figure gives a much better impression, for the glittering bestows upon it a peculiar nimbus of majesty.’
Hereupon the Lord tells him: ‘This man is in his entirety the primordial spirit whom Scripture calls Lucifer (light bearer). He is still in full possession of his self-conceit, but no longer of his original power. He is imprisoned and under judgment in all his parts. There is but one road open to him, and that is the road to My fatherly heart. For every other he is under judgment and as good as dead, unable to move a foot or a hand even by hair’s breadth.
And what looks to you like glittering grains of sand are all shell globes, in each of which are contained decillions upon decillions of suns and in addition to that a millionfold more planets, moons and comets.’
Judgment and conversion of the fallen Spirit of Light
It is this spirit’s judgment that he is now separated into all these solid globes. And his life, which thereby is now divided into almost countless separate parts, is no longer whole, but must be regarded as a considerably divided one. For there is life only within every globe, outside of it there is no other life than that of My forever immutable divine will. Every shell globe is fixed and cannot change its position toward the neighbouring globes by a hair’s breadth.
Low down, in the left small toe you notice a slightly reddish-glittering dot. This is the shell globe in which our natural earth is situated. And the entire life of this greatest primordial spirit is now banned onto this spot – the Earth – within this particular globe.
If he is willing to humble himself and return to Me, his original life shall be released, and this great man will then be as if pervaded by a perfectly free life. However, if this primordial spirit of My creation wishes to persist in his most arrogant self-will, this present order shall remain unchanged until all matter will have dissolved into a new, endlessly more abundant life of the souls and spirits. The latter order shall continue also if the primordial great spirit should return to Me. For, now he can only humiliate himself and change as a quite ordinary spirit and hast to voluntarily surrender forever his original totality. Thereby he would then have gained an endlessly greater, but, as for every other human spirit, outwardly quite simple rank of a child of God.
Then the shell – and husk system, which has its existence solely through My forever immutable will, shall remain – without the present soul- and spirit life – as firm foundation and as an eternal monument to our great work, followed by new, pure spiritual creations.’
Well, dear S., that would be all from me for now….
I just hope that I wasn’t too tedious…
May grace and peace of our beloved Jesus Christ
abound in you more and more
Lorens 🙂
(June 3, 2008)
Literal sense of the Word in the writtings of E.Swedenborg…
‘… if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.’ Judges 16:17
Dear G., good afternoon to you, how are you?!! 🙂
Please don’t worry about ‘the timing’ of your answer, I knew that sooner or later you will be back with it…
… which I also read… and, of course, I agree wholeheartedly with your basic attitude in ‘willingness to be helpful’ issue…
But, my whole point here was = I was aiming at the following, namely, that somehow and somewhere in the writtings of E.Swedenborg I find the literal sense of the Word to be unjustly neglected, i.e. ‘shaven’, and by that very ‘act’ we are deprived of it’s power which normally would affect us if we ALSO literaly stick to it…
On the other side he did also mentioned many times in his writtings that Word in that sense is in ‘it’s ‘fullness, its holiness and in it’s POWER!’ (for example ‘Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture – 33’; by the way, my new publisher agreed to publish my translations of the ‘4 Doctrines’, so they will appear in my native language early next year; I am truly happy because of that especially because of the one about the SACRED SCRIPTURES, which is book that in my opinion everybody should read and have in their pockets!’; also, in April next year my TCR translation will be completed, so I guess next Autumn this great book will be available to the Croatian people 🙂 )…
In another words, i discovered up till now not just that ‘situation’ about Noah and Enoch to be unjustly ‘de-natualized’ (‘de-naturalize’ = remove natural properties; Babylon Dictionary), but some other situations also… as for example that particular ‘oil and wine’ situation.
But let me explain this further, namely, as I am working also with the healing remedies (collecting healing herbs and roots and producing from them also some elixirs, oils, tinctures etc. etc.)… I know from my study of the related literature that oil and wine are literally applicable in those situations… that very Biblical ‘oil and vine’ remedy was also confirmed through another prophet and visionary, namely Hildegard of Bingen… in her book about healing aids, which she received from Jesus Christ, it is expressly stated that ‘oil and wine’ (in her terms ‘vinum oleatum’) are right remedy in the case of the open wounds…
… in her words, ‘wounds should be carefully cleansed with the wine, and than after it oil should be placed on them together with the bandage’.
Another situation which is in every respect similar to that one is one when, ‘Jesus, being crucified, was offered wine mingled with the myrrh’ (Mark 15:23), which He refused…
Now, nowhere in the writtings of E.Swedenborg’s we can found the natural explanation why actually ‘wine mingled with the myrrh’ was offered to Him?!! I made a research and I found that in those times ‘wine mingled with the myrrh’ was actually something like the ‘pain-killer’ which was given to those about to be killed on the cross to appease their pain…to benumb their senses… it is like when in today time ‘morphine’ (myrrh supposedly has the same, but in the lesser degree, properties as morphine) is given to those who are in pain… for example in the last stage of cancer…
Now, through E.Swedenborgs ‘only’ spiritual or ‘de-naturalized’ explanation of the same (see A.E. 519), which is in my opinion most correct, we would never learn what was the NATURAL reason that our Lord and Father refused that ‘offer’, to wit, we will never learn that it is of utmost importance for our soul’s perfection and our body’s spiritualization to FEEL THE PAIN (= all of it) AND ENDURE IT in full consciousness, because in that way not just our soul will mature even more but also our less pure spiritual substances, those in our body, are more quickly spiritualized… which was not just the destiny of Jesus’ body, but of the body of each one of us (against this erroneous statement from ‘Doc. of Life for the New Jerusalem – 35:9’ I already wrote in this group, to Sue, and teaching was called ‘He rose again with His WHOLE body’)…
… remember Enoch and Elliah, they were taken up into heaven with their whole body, which at that time was not material anymore but completely spiritualized same as in the case of Jesus Christ.
Please read the following revelations for your better understanding of that ‘wine and myrrh’ rejection by our Lord:
As received from Jesus Christ by Bertha Dudde,
Revelation nr. 2348, 27.5.1942
Hour of death.…
The soul’s separation from the body is usually a painful experience for the body because a certain degree of maturity is necessary for a painless separation, which is rarely achieved by the person. The human being’s hour of death will always make him aware that he no longer will be able to strive, that he no longer will be able to achieve anything by himself when he has left the human shell. And depending on the state of his soul the hour of death will then become more or less difficult for him. As long as the human being is on earth he still has the choice to purify himself, and the soul in the beyond will thank its Creator for having been given this opportunity before its departure that it will not have to suffer as much in the beyond. Since God is righteous the soul has to accept its fate in the beyond and needs far greater suffering to attain the degree of maturity. Nevertheless it is not possible to enter the spheres of light without it, consequently this higher degree of maturity has to be achieved through suffering and pain and thus a long struggle before death should always be viewed as an ascent. It is true that people only see the state of suffering, which contributes towards their fear of death since the hour of death seems unbearable to them, and yet it is only bestowed upon the human being by the greatest love to provide for him a brighter light in the beyond.
And this love is the foundation of everything.… God only sends suffering and pain to earth for the purpose of removing a person’s physical desires, that he then will pay more attention to his soul and attempt to perfect it. Every suffering which results in this is blessed by God.… Time on earth passes quickly and with good will can be used to abandon everything worldly, then the soul shapes itself in accordance to God’s will and at the end of its earthly life requires no further exceptional suffering to enter the kingdom of light. However, suffering always contributes towards higher maturity and is therefore a blessing for the human being who otherwise would have to dispose of his errors and failings in the beyond which would also be rather wretched.… thus his suffering cannot be prevented even though the hour of death apparently proceeds silently and without pain. God knows every human being’s state of soul and his willingness to fight all impurities; hence He complies with the human being by offering him the opportunity to accomplish his goal.… by allowing the hour of death to be his last opportunity for arriving in eternity purged and purified.… Amen
As received from Jesus Christ by Bertha Dudde,
Revelation nr. 4033, 30.4.1947
Hour of death…. Explanation of suffering….
You never know how your end will happen, and therefore you should call upon God’s mercy every day that you might receive it in the hour of your death. Even if you live in accordance with God’s will your end can be difficult if it is to serve you to completely purify and liberate yourselves forever. God’s wisdom and love is yours until your last hour on this earth, and as long as your souls are still able to change you will be given the opportunity even at the hour of death.
For this reason devoted people often have to suffer in the flesh and cannot find an explanation for it because they are unable to detect God’s love therein. And yet, divine love causes this suffering because it is the best means for the soul to acquire a degree of maturity within a short period of time which allows the light to permeate the soul in the beyond, and the soul will thank its Creator once it is free and recognises God’s great love and mercy. Thus all suffering has to be seen as evidence of God’s love, and even the end is blessed if it is accompanied by suffering, although it does not appear to the human being that way. The soul indeed separates itself from the body with pain, but immediately lifts itself into the kingdom of the blessed spirits. It not only leaves earth physically but also spiritually and also takes the body’s fully matured substances along, because every degree of suffering dissolves the cover which still encloses the soul.
And the person who is still able to free himself completely from immature substances on earth will be blessed…. he will have used his earthly life for his deliverance and will no longer revolt against God’s will either. In the hour of death he will certainly struggle for the peace of his soul but he will never consider his physical suffering to be unjustified, for his soul will know that the end is near, that his physical suffering will also come to an end and that the soul will derive benefit from it even if it is no longer able to convey this realisation to the body. The body, however, will separate itself from the soul as soon as it senses its perfection, because then it will have fulfilled its task of having served as an abode for this soul. The hour of death can be difficult for all of you but it can also be a blissful falling asleep in order to awaken in the kingdom of light if the soul needs no further suffering, if it has already found the union with God on earth and He then brings it home into His kingdom, into your Father’s house, in order to make you blissfully happy. But you do not know how your end will happen, and therefore pray to God for mercy, ask Him for His grace and strength if God still needs to afflict you, and you will also endure the hour of death. The body will suffer but the soul will joyfully leave the body and lift itself into the spheres of light…. Amen
Unfortunatelly, whole E.Swedenborg’s theology lacks this knowledge about our ‘soul being made of innumerable more or less impure spiritual particles’… ‘particles who were in their earlier stage of development’ embodied in, and passed through, some of the forms of the three kingdoms of the nature…
Without that it is impossible to understand all of this (you can ask me about ‘practical application’ of all this, well, imagine that someone in your household lies on the deathbed in pain, and there is a choice to be made instead of him, to benumb his body with some painkillers or leave him to ‘endure’ it’s pain in the fullest possible extent!) …
Already mentioned Sadhu Sundar Singh knew this, it was revealed to him by the angels of the highest heaven during his visits to that world, about which we read:
” Did you learn anything about the resurrection of the body ? ” ” I was told there that Christians leave behind them the physical body. That body is buried, but the spiritual body that is within is then free to come out, and in this we go to the Second or the Third Heaven according to our state of development. At least this is true of the majority of Christians ; but there are grades in the spiritual life, and in the case of some few who have lived very close to Christ this physical body is slowly changed and is taken up into Heaven. It is completely spiritualised, for flesh and blood cannot inherit eternal life, but it is the same physical body only completely transformed. I asked them whether this applied to Enoch and Elijah, who were taken up bodily into Heaven. They told me ` Yes,’ and that it also applied to Moses, and then they pointed out to me Moses and Elijah in Heaven, and they told me that they appeared at the Transfiguration in the same form and aspect in which I saw them then, for in Heaven we no longer change. God buried Moses, but they told me God’s way of burying is not like ours. It is to enfold with a spiritual body. No one can enter into Heaven with a physical body, but in the case of those few that body is transformed ; and this is what happened to the Body of Christ. ” But the majority of ordinary Christians leave the physical body behind and proceed in their spiritual body to the intermediate state or Second Heaven. Here they stay, some a few days, some a few months, some longer, until they are ready for the Third Heaven. Exceptional people, however, like St. Francis of Assisi and the author of The Imitation of Christ, are already so spiritually advanced that they enter the Third Heaven at once.
Consequently, E.Swedenborg’s teaching that ONLY JESUS was the FIRST one Who was ressurected with His whole body, and that HE WOULD BE THE ONLY ONE, was, and still is, not correct (but, I repeat, all this is hardly understandable without that knowledge about ‘elementary particles being alive’ and not ‘completely dead’ as E.Swedenborg wrongly supposed; we already discussed this before, remember?)!
Another thing… not knowing this ‘story about the fall of the original spirits, their imprisonment into the matterial universe, and their liberation and redemption through ascension of their soul particles through kingdoms of the nature’, E.Swedenborg conceived a wrong and quite erroneous idea about ‘eternal punishment’…. in another words, ‘once in hell always and forever in hell’ doctrine … which is his greatest error!
Now, even those souls who are most stubborn will be saved at the end… because otherwise they would never been created in the first place… i.e. God would never foresaw their condition and agree upon their creation (= here I agree with W.Blake who in his annotations to E.Swedenborg’s ‘Divine Providence – 277’, said that this ‘wrong doctrine of his equals predestination’; in his own words = text of E.Swedenborg is in italics: ‘…for Death is a Continuation of Life; with this Difference, that then Man cannot be reformed. Predestination after this Life is more Abominable than Calvins & Swedenborg is Such a Spiritual Predestinarian–witness this Number & many others See 69 & 185 & 329 & 307; I explained in what way that act of God-anyway-creating-those-whom-He-foresaw-in-hell would be the predestination in my ‘Mighty to save – 3’ which I also wrote for this group a two years ago where, together with Mighty to save – 1 & 2, this erroneous and misguided doctrine was fully exposed and refuted); funny thing is that in this very moment I am translating the 8th chapter of TCR which is about Free Will and which contains his explanations about ‘predestination’ 🙂 )…
About that ‘re-transformation’ and ‘second opportunity’ even for most wretched souls we read in another Jesus Christ revelation:
“Your soul is made up of innumerable particles, each of them representing an idea originating from Me. Once it has come together, it can become no other than it is, for it will then express the character it has been given. A crystal cannot change its nature once it has crystallized out, crystallizing as a rhombohedron, a hexahedron, an octahedron etc., depending upon which form corresponds to its essential nature, i.e., the cumulation of particles around the center of its life.”
“If a change is to be effected, because the crystals have turned out not to be entirely pure, they will have to be dissolved through warmth (love), to crystallize out anew as the warm water of love is cooling, which is equivalent to their will being released. Now beautiful new crystals are forming again, and any careful chemist will know how to achieve the most beautiful crystals possible, large and transparent, as meets his purpose.”
“You see, I am such a chemist! I dissolved the crystals that had become impure (Lucifer and his followers) in the warm waters of love, and then let these souls crystallize out again, that they might be crystal clear. You know that this happens in the ascent through the mineral and the plant kingdoms to man.’
As received from Jesus Christ by Leopold Engel, and written in ‘The Great Gospel of John – book 11’
Etc. etc. …
Another example where in Swedenborg’s revelation ‘we as readers’ suffer becaue literal sense is neglected, is for example this one:
‘But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.’ Matthew 5:39
You will find nowhere in his writings an exhortation to ‘stick literally’ to this advice of our Lord… but instead we read:
‘That these words are not to be understood according to the letter, is evident to every one; for who is under any obligation from Christian love, to turn the left cheek to him who strikes the right…’ AE 556:8
But, dear G., through another greater than great Apostle we learn something completely different:
‘An eyewitness reported his experience with Sundar, “I encountered Sundar Singh as he was walking down a mountain trail to proclaim the Gospel to us. He then sat on top of a tree, wiped the sweat off his face and sang a hymn about the love of Jesus to us. The audience was not impressed by the song. One man came forward from the audience, pulled Sundar down from the tree and knocked him to the ground. Silently, Sundar got to his feet and began praying for these hostile people. He then told us about the love of Jesus who had died to redeem all sinners. Because of that I repented and so did the attacker.” That was not the only time when Sundar won souls for the Lord by adhering to Jesus’ instruction which says, “Do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too.” (Matthew 5:39).
One day in Nepal, Sundar was ambushed by four robbers in the middle of a jungle. One of them brandished a sword. Meekly, Sundar bowed his head thinking that his life was about to end. This attitude surprised the perpetrators. Since he was penniless, they took his blanket away from him and let him go. But then, one of the robbers called him back and curiously asked his name. Sundar introduced himself, opened his Bible and started telling him the story of the rich man and Lazarus the poor. The robber said that the end of the rich man’s life was unpleasant and asked what would happen to himself. Sundar then told him about the Gospel and God’s forgiveness. The robber took Sundar home with him and repented.
It was actually his 100% adherence to the literal sense of the Gospels that MADE Sundar Singh the greatest Apostle who walked the Earth after Jesus Christ!
His life is absolutely full of these situations produced by his literal ‘understanding’ of, and ‘faithfull adherence’ to the Jesus’ Words.
I mean, his life-long 100% literal adherence to Jesus orders as given to the Apostles (Mark 6:7-9) before He send them to preach the Gospel is a true Divine poetry!!
Not to mention that ‘he was indeed poisoned but he surviverd because He believed and He was baptized’, also that he ‘slept few times without him knowing, next and on the deadly snakes, as cobras, and they hurt him not’, also, ‘he indeed used to heal only by touching those who were ill’ (Mark 16:17, 18), etc. etc.
How I wish that you would take your time and learn about him and his most extraordinary life…
And yet another thing… this time in relation to the Second Coming of the Lord, which, as we all know, in E.Swedenborg’s theology is connected ONLY with the spiritual or inner realm… not with the natural too… which is again one quite serious omission, because we are about to witness the End of the natural Earth or, in another words, a complete transformation of the surface of the same… LITERALLY.
And before that, Jesus Christ will INDEED appear on the ‘clouds’… as He Himself testifies (the other day, while reading the Acts of the Apostles, I found that He actually was taken up into the clouds, which received him, before the eyes of the Apostles who beheld all of that literally!! = Acts 1:9, 10 = so please note that in below revelation nr. 7944 Jesus Christ said the following words: ‘… I will descend to earth in the same way as I once ascended to heaven…. that My Own will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me…’):
As received from Jesus Christ by Bertha Dudde,
Revelation Nr. 7944, July 18th 1961
Coming in the clouds….
You all should know that I will return in the clouds…. that I will descend to earth in the same way as I once ascended to heaven…. that My Own will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me, and that I will take My Own from earth because the day of the end has come…. Admittedly, prior to that I already descended to earth in the Word, for I Am the Word Myself (this ‘descent in the Word’ which equals the first phase of the Second Advent, actually begins with E.Swedenborg!), and have given you the promise that I will stay with you until the end of the world…. but My obvious appearance will not happen yet, for it will constitute the end of one and the beginning of a new earthly period….
My coming in the clouds has to be understood literally, yet only few will see Me, for My flock is small and only My Own will be able to endure seeing Me, I will only be visible to My Own and allow them to behold My might and glory…. And this shall be your hope in hours of hardship and affliction by hostile powers to God…. for in the end everything will be hostile to God, the rulers and their followers, the people who take their side in the battle of faith. They all will take action against you, who want to remain loyal to Me and persevere to the end…. They will put you under great pressure and then you shall hope for My coming, for I will not leave you in distress of body and soul, I will save you and lift you to a place of peace, and your faith will be so strong that I will be able to show Myself when I come in the clouds in order to judge the living and the dead…. Then the great separation of the spirits will take place and My adversary will no longer have control over you…. For he and his adherents will be bound for a long time. Only few people sincerely believe that My return is imminent…. But the time is fulfilled and I no longer say: I will come when the time is fulfilled, but I say: the time is fulfilled…. You can only count on a very short time, on just a few days, compared to the long period of time that has passed since an ‘end’ was prophesied. You are living in the last days even if you refuse to believe it….
My coming is soon about to happen to you…. Hence take care that you, too, belong to the chosen ones who will experience My coming while still in the flesh, who may behold Me in all My radiance and glory, whom I will lift to heaven just before the end…. Just want to belong to them and, truly, I will give you the strength to turn your will into action. Let Me speak to you time and again and always strive to accept My will and you will establish a connection with Me, you will join Me and also be counted as My Own whom I will rescue before the end happens. For it is certain that I will come Myself…. And you should also believe, without a shadow of doubt, that all of you with a living faith and who approach Me with love, will be able to behold Me, for My Word is truth and will come to pass.
People who deny ‘My coming’, who only want to understand and explain this arrival figuratively, are not yet as profoundly devoted as to be united with Me, but the immense earthly hardship before the end will still strengthen their faith if they are of good will. And they themselves will pray for My coming, because they will realise that only I can provide the rescue which they cannot expect from another side any longer…. You should believe that I will save you from utmost adversity and await the hour when My promise fulfils itself. And then My adversary will be defeated, yet with him also his many followers, who will be taken in by the earth again…. Therefore hope and persevere, for the hour of your deliverance will come, the day of separating the spirits will arrive…. There will be an earthly and spiritual change which you will experience and which has been constantly proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture…. Amen
As received from Jesus Christ by Bertha Dudde, Revelation Nr. 8743, February 3rd 1964
Explanation about the coming of the Lord….
I want to give you an important spiritual explanation which is intended to benefit your soul: I want to open up an area for you which you would never be able to enter without the working of My spirit, for I want to introduce you to a world which is only comprehensible to the spiritually awakened person, since it already requires a certain amount of knowledge of things which otherwise are completely unfamiliar to the human being. I have promised you that I will return to earth when the day of the end has come…. This promise, however, has given rise to the most diverse notions in you humans, yet the true explanation has evaded you, precisely because the process of My second coming has been presented in so many different ways and…. just as the process of My Own’s rapture…. at different times, thus resulting in wrong claims which I want to correct:
My second coming to earth will not take place physically…. such that My feet will touch this earth, instead I will appear with an entourage of the most elevated beings of light and will be visible to all who are My Own, for no human being having devoted himself to My adversary will ever be able to behold Me in all My glory, for the darkness cannot see the light since people would completely cease to exist, being unable to endure the radiance coming forth from Me. Hence I will come to earth and also to My Own still concealed in the clouds, yet they will be able to bear an abundance of light and thus they will highly delightedly rejoice when they see Me with the great host of angels…. For I will open their eyes to see…. Hence it is wrong to say that everyone will see Me when I come to judge the living and the dead, for the ‘Judgment’ will not happen such that every individual person has to be answerable to Me. For I know every individual soul, I know to whom it belongs, and since the last Judgment on this earth is a matter of transforming the entire earth and dissolving its separate creations so that all spiritual substances are released to be placed into new forms (‘generation which will not pass until all is fulfilled’ is not the generation of men who lived then with Jesus, but ‘generation of all spirituals under the judgment in this now about to end the Period of Salvation!’), this dissolution also denotes the death of people who had failed their last test of earthly life and had handed themselves over to My adversary…. Hence these will be faced by death and unable to escape, which will generate intense panic amongst people…. Yet prior to this final work of destruction My Own will be lifted away….
I will come to fetch them Myself, they will be allowed to behold Me as I descend to them from above, rejoicing elatedly and with burning love for Me they will longingly stretch out their hands to Me, and I will draw them to Me, I will take them away, I will lift them up (1 Thessalonians 4:17), and thus they will experience a process which completely contradicts natural law…. And this jubilation by My Own will be heard by other people who are at first unable to understand it since they won’t see anything themselves. Consequently they will merely be seized by a certain apprehension, which will turn into extreme fear and horror when they see My Own suddenly disappear, when they can’t understand why they are no longer able to reach the people they had pursued with their hatred…. why they are no longer amongst them and cannot be found….
There will certainly be radiating brightness, but the pursuers will find it intolerable. Yet they will not have much time to think about it because the end will follow soon…. And the radiant brightness will give way to an almost impenetrable darkness that will drive people to despair. This will be followed by eruptions, outbreaks of fires, splits will occur in the earth so that no person can save himself and everything will be devoured by the earth….
Not much time will pass between the My Own’s rapture and this final destruction, for the rapture would force the remaining people to believe and this would be entirely worthless as it would exclude a free decision. People will have had adequate time before and will have been constantly admonished and forewarned, and anyone still coming to his senses before will also still be accepted and called away before the breakdown of earth, so that he can be helped to progress in the beyond. This act of the rapture is a completely unnatural process, but then I will be able to waive the laws of nature because it will no longer disadvantage anyone’s soul…. But even My coming in the clouds will no longer compel people to believe because those who will see Me will have already attained maturity of soul so that they will merely experience the fulfilment of what they firmly believed and therefore anticipated My arrival on a daily basis.
People rarely accept a correct explanation especially about these last events because they have already formed their own concepts about it and don’t want to let go of their ideas…. The rapture cannot possibly take place a longer time in advance because such unlawful occurrences would force people to change their mind…. And the end of this earth in any case means the end of everyone who is still alive, for even My Own will experience it, only they will be in a state devoid of all suffering, even though they will be able to follow the process, because this is My will…. Since they will then be completely devout they shall also experience My might and glory, and thus they will also be able to behold My great host of angels surrounding Me, and then they will also be suitable ancestral parents to populate the new earth (= again, HE is speaking about literal New Earth!!), which indeed will also be the work of an instant for Me when I want to give the liberated spiritual essence a new external shape for further maturing….
But the people themselves will have lost all awareness of time until they are returned to the new earth again…. Nevertheless, they will still possess their old body of flesh albeit it will be quite spiritualised already…. This, too, has to be said in order to refute the misguided opinion that the new earth will be populated by completely spiritualised beings…. For the new earth is intended to become a place for higher development again and the old laws will be applicable to the new earth too…. The process of the fallen spirits through the creations up to the human being will take place and the person as such will have to pass the last test of will again (= New Period of Salvation; dear G., if you are by any chence intrigued by this revelation and you want to know more about this Plan of Salvation, please let me know and I will re-send you mine ‘He rose with His WHOLE body…’ teaching!)…. which in the beginning will certainly lead to success because there will be no temptations by the adversary, who is bound for a long time…. and because people are full of love they will establish a direct contact with Me and therefore attain full maturity very quickly…. You should not let wrong descriptions tempt you into neglecting or postponing your psychological work, for I will abide by the day when I will come in the clouds and with this day will also come the Last Judgment on this earth…. Amen
As received from Jesus Christ by Bertha Dudde, Revelation Nr. 3557, September 24th 1945
Coming in the clouds…. Rapture….
An unusual roar will fill the air as the Day of Judgment arrives. And this will be the last sign for people, yet it will only be recognised as such by the believers, which will cause them great joy. For then they will be anticipating the coming of the Lord…. It requires a strong faith to expect God to be coming in the clouds, for this is such an extraordinary process that godless people just ridicule and make fun of it when it is mentioned to them. They will indeed hear the sound, too, yet they won’t see the Lord in the clouds and thus take little notice of the unusual noise in the air and won’t let themselves be distracted from their lives…. exuberantly and without scruples they will continue to enjoy themselves. The faithful, however, will get together and, with a happy heart, prepare themselves to receive the Lord. They will have reached the limit of their physical endurance and know that their time of suffering has come to an end, and in the final hour they will unanimously profess their faith in God although it will mean the loss of their earthly life, because they will be mercilessly attacked by the world. Yet the appearance of the Lord will thwart the plans of their godless pursuers…. For suddenly they will see the believers being lifted off the ground and rising into the air…. At the same time there will be a sound of dreadful thunder and people will realise with dismay that something dreadful is going to happen. Paralysed by the unusual process of the rapture they will be unable to think, they will try to flee and see the same everywhere…. flames of fire bursting through the earth from which there is no escape. And their life will end in a most dreadful way, for the people who rage on earth like devils and are rife with sin cannot be saved.
But the flock of the faithful will witness the end of the old earth; the divine work of destruction will take place before their eyes, while they will have escaped and will be safe and secure in a place of peace, as promised by God. This will be the end of one period of Salvation and the start of a new one as soon as the old earth is shaped anew through God’s will. Then the faithful will continue to live as the root of the new human race and the new period of Salvation will begin. The process of rapture is only understandable and therefore credible to a knowing and profoundly enlightened person, yet it will be the culmination of an anxious time of hardship and suffering, it will be the conclusion and the evidence of God’s glory, Who will also prepare a fate for His Own which testifies of His glory…. It will be an act of profoundly divine love for His living creations who will recognise in Him their Father of eternity, who will have returned to Him and become as one with Him through love…. with whom He will then be able to stay because divine love meets with no obstacle once the human being has become love himself…. Amen
As received from Jesus Christ by Bertha Dudde, Revelation Nr. 3707, March 8th 1946
Coming in the clouds…. Last days….
My coming in the clouds will be preceded by a time of the most awful suffering ever seen on earth, as proclaimed in Word and Scripture. I will constantly draw people’s attention to this and have done so ever since the start of this era in order to strongly advise those who are not walking the right path to change their mind. For the sake of these humans I used to occasionally let plagues come upon earth to remind them of the approaching end so that they seriously consider their souls and change themselves. But the last days had not yet arrived, the period of redemption had not yet reached the time chosen by Me in accordance with My plan of eternity. The earth was not yet ready for the last work of destruction, neither were people’s souls ready for their total downfall, i.e. for their banishment into the creations of a new earth…. But My prophecies would always fulfil themselves in times of greatest spiritual hardship…. when increased affliction and misery came upon earth, so that during each time of such hardship the approaching end had to be dreaded. And it was My intention that the precise time of the last days should always remain hidden from people…. Such times of need were also more or less successful for the people involved as they found their way back to Me and entered into a different relationship with Me than before. But they became ever more persistent, and their distance, their opposition, from Me grew ever larger….
And thus the time has arrived when no description, no admonition and warning will have an effect, when humanity remains unimpressed even in the light of utmost worldly suffering, i.e. when the latter does not lead to people recognising Me and entering into the right relationship with Me…. Their will remains opposed to Me, they are purely earthly minded and do not strive for any kind of spiritual progress. No adversity, irrespective of how harsh it is, will be able to change people’s thoughts, and thus the time of the end has irrevocably come, as I have known since eternity…. The earth has ceased to be a place of spiritual education for its inhabiting humanity, and as a result it will be dissolved and its creations totally reshaped, so that a new period of redemption can begin…. And thus enormous suffering will come upon earth, so that the last people can still gather who recognise My voice therein. And even My Own will have to experience this suffering, although extraordinarily strengthened by Me but also affected by it so that they longingly anticipate My coming, which I always and forever proclaimed for the end of this earth. And when the hardship gets unbearable, when the believers find themselves in greatest distress and see no earthly way of rescue, I will come Myself….
And there will be rejoicing amongst My Own when they see Me in all glory, but for their physical eyes still veiled by clouds which soften the intensity of My light, so that My Own, who still belong to the earth, will be able to endure Me. They will be triumphant and shout for joy because My Word has come true…. But the immense hardship, which I have announced time and again through My seers and prophets, through My servants on earth, will have strengthened their faith. Because everything will come to pass as I have foretold, and thus they will wait for My coming in the clouds with complete confidence…. And yet I will arrive suddenly and unexpected even for My Own…. For I will shorten the days of suffering because they will become intolerable and I do not want My Own to grow faint-hearted in view of the immense difficulties. And thus I will take them into My realm at the right time, and then the end will come…. Because My Word is truth and will come to pass, and the time of the last days has arrived…. Amen
Now, to conclude all of this dear G., my point was and still is that the ‘Word, which is essentially the Divine work, was designed for the salvation of the mankind’ (Doctrine of the Sacred Scriptures – 32’) and it is quite important to know and understand in what relation to our daily spiritual and natural life stands its literal sense.
May peace of our beloved Jesus Christ
Rest upon your soul dear G.
Lorens 🙂
(December 17, 19, 2008)