Emanuel Swedenborg

‘Gospod mi je dozvolio istovremeno biti u duhovnom i prirodnom svijetu, i sa anđelima razgovarati kao sa ljudima, i na taj način se upoznati sa stanjima onih koji nakon smrti prijeđu u taj do sada nepoznat svijet. Razgovarao sam sa svim svojim rođacima i prijateljima, također sa kraljevima, vojvodama, i učenim ljudima nakon njihovog odlaska iz ovog života, i to neprestano u trajanju od dvadeset i sedam godina. Ja sam stoga u stanju, iz stvarnog iskustva, opisati stanja ljudi nakon smrti, i to onih koji su živjeli dobrim životima, kao i onih koji su živjeli opakim životima.’

Emanuel Swedenborg

‘Gospod mi je dozvolio istovremeno biti u duhovnom i prirodnom svijetu, i sa anđelima razgovarati kao sa ljudima, i na taj način se upoznati sa stanjima onih koji nakon smrti prijeđu u taj do sada nepoznat svijet. Razgovarao sam sa svim svojim rođacima i prijateljima, također sa kraljevima, vojvodama, i učenim ljudima nakon njihovog odlaska iz ovog života, i to neprestano u trajanju od dvadeset i sedam godina. Ja sam stoga u stanju, iz stvarnog iskustva, opisati stanja ljudi nakon smrti, i to onih koji su živjeli dobrim životima, kao i onih koji su živjeli opakim životima.’

What Swedenborg didn’t know about Lord’s Eternal Plan of Salvation which also includes salvation of the souls who are most stubborn and materialistic and consequently in hell?! = Another chance is given to them in another period of salvation by ‘re-banishment’ of their soul particles into the matter

What Swedenborg didn’t know about Lord’s Eternal Plan of Salvation which also includes salvation of the souls who are most stubborn and materialistic and consequently in hell?! = Another chance is given to them in another period of salvation by ‘re-banishment’ of their soul particles into the matter

B.D. 6638, September 7, 1956

The concept of ‘hell’…. Renewed banishment…. God’s infinite love….

Even the most depraved living creation is a child of My love. Therefore it also has My unabated care to return to Me one day, even though it will have to travel a far longer path in order to bring itself into line with Me and My fundamental nature. But I will not let it fall, and whatever can be done on My part will be done by Me in order to help the creature to recognise and change itself. However, the distance is often so vast that the opposing force has greater influence and My illumination of love remains ineffective. For this reason it may also take eternities until it comes a little closer to Me but I will never abandon it…. However, when we talk about hell this relates to an accumulation of such depraved living creations in the beyond, which had already passed through earthly life with negative results and which continued to descend ever further in the beyond because they submitted themselves to My adversary anew…. Therefore, before a renewed banishment of the creations on earth takes place, which always signifies the beginning of a new era of Salvation, these adherents of Satan move within spheres where they can indulge in their most evil passions, where they inflict all kinds of evil deeds on each other and where constant fighting and arguing prevail and where they always try to draw weaker beings into their domain…. hence where they, on instructions of My adversary, act such that they will sink ever deeper. These places have no boundaries; hell is, in a manner of speaking, wherever such deeply fallen beings congregate, where they rage against each other…. on account of which one can also speak of on earth of hell and of states of hell when evil-minded people are hostile towards each other and wreak all kinds of havoc. All these beings are nevertheless My living creations on whom I take pity and whom I would like to release from their sin and their bondage to My adversary, for they are still wholly under the influence of the one who rose up against Me and who also incited all of his created beings to revolt against Me so that they, too, apostatised and became wretched.

But they had also been My children because they emerged from My strength which permeated My adversary without limitation and which enabled him to create these beings in the first place. Therefore My love also belongs to these beings no matter how deep they have sunk…. which will now also explain to you humans why a new creation of earth will have to take place. For I Am just as concerned about these unhappy creatures in the deepest abyss as I Am about the people on earth…. I also want to prepare a path again for those which have already languished under My adversary’s control for an infinitely long time; I want to wrest them away from him and constrain them once more in solid matter so that their path will go upwards again, so that the immense resistance they still offer Me will slowly wane….  My love for those having descended remains unchanged and will never diminish either, but there is no other way to demonstrate My love than through a renewed banishment into earthly creations, there is no other way to achieve success or their return, therefore it follows that a transformation of earth is necessary, as I always and forever proclaimed to you. Only love determines My every activity and reign throughout the universe, even if you humans are unable to detect love therein…. Sooner or later you will understand My plan of Salvation and give thanks and sing your praises to the One Who also guided you out of darkness and death, Who wants to give happiness to all beings which emerged from Him…. and Who, with invariable love, also considers those which require His love most urgently because His adversary is keeping them enslaved…. Amen


Countless possibilities are at My disposal to beneficially influence the souls which had departed from earth in a still immature state. Life on this earth had promised exceptional success which, if unused, can never be made up again such that the beings can re-incarnate on earth any number of times; this is why the teaching of re-incarnation is misleading; thus isolated, justified instances should not lead to the assumption that every soul will re-incarnate on this earth, which would be far more detrimental than advantageous for the soul. The soul’s free decision of will has to be made on earth, and with the help of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ it is certainly possible to do so during one earthly life…. Anyone who rejects Him has forfeited an exceptional grace and has to struggle in the beyond until he acquires the understanding and still accepts His help over there.

Jesus’ death on the cross is of such enormous significance for the salvation of all souls that it only requires the human will to become redeemed, but a will that fails also has to accept the consequences: indescribably difficult higher development in the spiritual realm or descent into the abyss, with the result of a repeated path through the whole of material creation…. a re-incarnation of undesirable consequence…. a tormenting state of endless duration until the human state has been reached again, which will then gives him a new opportunity to make his free decision of will. No being will be lost forever, but the time it takes to achieve beatitude is determined by the human being’s will itself. Yet the law of eternal order will remain, for it is based on My wisdom and love which will never change…. Amen

(Bertha Dudde, 5062, February 12, 1951 – excerpt)


In the spiritual realm the soul is the creator of its own surroundings. It lives in a region created by its own wishes and desires, by its thoughts and its will. Although the objects are no longer of a physical nature they are not spiritually eternal either: they are, in fact, illusions, they are desired ideals which disappear as soon as the soul’s longing for them increases. And in this self-created world the soul, as on earth, can oppose and overcome or succumb and add to its longing for matter which, in its state of darkness, it imagines to be real. Thus the soul can believe to live on earth and for an infinitely long time remain subject to this delusion until it either gradually becomes aware of its imperfect state and gives up its longing for earthly goods or it gets more and more involved with them, which is comparable to spiritual regression and finally results in its banishment into the solid form; because the soul’s desire will always be fulfilled in so far as the matter, which the being longs for, becomes its outer cover. Thus the soul’s degeneration in the beyond results in its re-incarnation, it has to repeat the long process of earthly development again and, thousands of years later, as a human being, take its last earthly test of life once more.…

(Bertha Dudde, 2874, September 8, 1959 – excerpt)


Each phase of the soul’s development occurs only once during a period of salvation even if it neglects to utilise the state of free will. In that case the phase of development passes without effect for the soul and it has to accept the consequences of this in the spiritual realm. But the completely God-opposing spirit, whose resistance could not be broken during its infinitely long earthly progress, is given the opportunity again in a new period of creation; where it can, embodied within a solid form, live through a new phase of development in a newly beginning earthly period. And then the spiritual substances which, in a compulsory state, have to develop into a human soul again, are permitted to occupy a human body once more for its final test of will. This re-incarnation can indeed take place but the process has such enormous implications that it should be explained to people as something extremely frightening, albeit it is also an act of God’s mercy for the release of the spirit after its endless time of captivity. 

(Bertha Dudde, 2875, September 9, 1959 – excerpt)


Božanski Iskupitelj je umro za svih na križu, i jednog dana će čas uskrsnuća doći za svaku dušu, jer jednog dana će Me ona zazvati u Isusu Kristu, i Ja neću dopustiti da njezin poziv ostane neodgovoren… Onda će se ona ustati iz groba i probuditi u život, onda će se grobni mrak povući i ona može ugledati svjetlo… Pošto sam Ja umro za sva ljudska bića, i čak oni koji počivaju u svojim grobovima će obratiti pažnju na činjenicu da sam Ja uskrnuo iz mrtvih i da ću dati život svakome tko žudi živjeti. AMEN’   (Bertha Dudde, 6810, April 20, 1957)

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